A Prayer against Bad Weather

On March 11, members of our parish will join with others from the various faith communities in Brick for a service project to help feed the hungry. Stop Hunger Now, a Philadalphia-based organization, will be bringing the ingredients to pack 10,000 meals to Brick Presbyterian Church, 111 Drum Point Road. From 2-4pm, the ingredients will be assembled and packed by volunteers into boxes ready for shipping by the organization to hungry persons throughout the world.
This is an exciting project that promises to gather together people of faith for a common goal of helping those who are less fortunate than they are. Please join us if you are able. If you would like to make a cash contribution ($2,500 or 25cents per meal is to be raised), please make checks payable to: Stop Hunger Now, and mail to Stop Hunger Now, c/o St. Raphael Church, 1520 Rte. 88, Brick, NJ 08724.

Feast of the Annunciation to the Most-Holy Theotokos - 03/25/12
The faithful of our parish welcomed His Grace, Bishop Michael for the weekend celebration of our patronal feastday. Many visitors joined us for the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning and the Mission Vespers service later that afternoon. Many thanks to all who helped make this celebration bright and joyful!(0 images)

Holy Saturday Vespers with Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great - 04/14/12
(5 images)

Thanksgiving Dinners Served By Churches In our area.
St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church, 2200 Church Road, Toms River, NJ. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20, 4-7 PM. Volunteers needed. Date: Tuesday, November 20th
New Beginnings Church at VFW Hall # 8867 373 Adamston Rd. Brick Thursday Nov 22nd. 12-4pm
First Baptist Church and First Nazarene Church, hosted at First Baptist Church. 700 Main Street, Toms River. 11 AM to 4 PM dine-in, take-out or deliveries.
Macadeonia Baptist Church 143 John Street, Lakewood. Volunteers needed beginning at 8:00. Dinner service begins at 11:00 AM. Dine-in, take-out or delivery. Call 732-905-3738 for delivery.
Epiphany Church, Brick, NJ Thursday 12 noon. Eat in, take-out or delivery. Delivery must be ordered by Wednesday. 732-458-0220
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Toms River, across the street from Toms River Intermediate School East on Hooper Ave. No charge, on Thanksgiving Day Noon to 4 pm.

Our parish is currently undergoing an iconography project where the white walls of the church are being adorned with icons of saints and depictions of events that we celebrate in the Tradition of the Church. Please read Father Gary's letter about the project's current status. Also, if you are so inclined, we would love for you to make a donation to the project using this form. Checks should be made out to "OCCA" with a notation of "Icon Project" on the memo line and sent to:
360 Van Zile Road
Brick, NJ 08724
Thank you for visiting our site. We hope that you share our excitement for this wonderful project! Photos of the project will appear here. Please check back for updates of the progress.

Many thanks to all our sponsors! Please visit and patronize these fine shops and institutions!

A Memorable Day! - 07/30/06
Despite the hot weather, a wonderful time was had by all who attended this year's event. We thank all our vendors, donors, and all who volunteered to make the day a memorable one. Pictures from the day are included here:(20 images)

At a Court of Honor ceremony last Sunday at the First Baptist Church of Laurelton, Alex Hascha was officially awarded the rank of Eagle Scout - the highest rank a Boy Scout can attain. Father Gary delivered an invocation, a reflection, and the closing prayer. Many years to Alex for combining his God-given talent with his diligence and hard work to earn this rank, and to his family who supported him in this endeavor.

Bowling - 02/20/11
A fun evening of bowling and fellowship was had by all!(12 images)

On Sunday, March 13, 2011, the day on which the Restoration of Holy Icons is celebrated throughout the Orthodox Church, our parish announced the beginning of its long-awaited Icon Project. A contract for Phase I of the project has been signed with St. Tikhon's Bookstore. Iconographer Ivan Rumiantsev will write and install the icons beginning in April. Estimated completion of Phase I is August 31, 2011.
Please visit our Iconography Project webpage for more information. This webpage will be updated regularly with project information.
MANY THANKS to those who joined us for our Annual Ethnic Food Fair and Gift Auction! It was a blessed and wonderful day! Please come back next year on the last Sunday of July (July 29, 2012) as we do it all again!
View our list of sponsors here.

Our Annual Ethnic Food Fair and Gift Auction will take place on Sunday, July 28, 2013. All are welcome. Parking is free. Food and fellowship will be plentiful. Great gifts are available in our extensive Gift Auction. Come tour our church which is being beautified with holy icons! Everything takes place between 12Noon and 6:00pm! Click here for a downloadable event flyer! |

Many thanks to all those who once again helped make our annual event a terrific success! We thank all those who attended, worked, donated, and otherwise contributed to a wonderful day of food and fellowship. Please click here to access a photo slideshow of the day's activities. |

Wednesday - 7:00pm Great Vespers w/Litya
Thursday - 9:30am Divine Liturgy (Agape meal to follow)
Festal Troparion
Thou hast ascended in glory, O Christ our God, granting joy to Thy disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit. Through the blessing they were assured that Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world!

Please join us for great food, fellowship, fun, and prizes, at our annual event! Throughout the day, a variety of food is available to eat in or take home. Also, a variety of gifts in our Gift Auction are available for you to bid on! Admission and parking are free! We hope to see you here!

Saturday, January 3 - 7:00pm Great Vespers
Sunday, January 4 - 10:00am Divine Liturgy
Monday, January 5 - 9:30am Vespers w/Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great (Eve of Theophany)
Monday, January 5 - 7:00pm Compline and Great Blessing of Waters (Eve of Theophany)
Tuesday, January 6 - 9:30am Divine Liturgy and Great Blessing of Waters (Feast of Theophany)